Monday, August 8, 2016

my loyal and patient readers -

more remodel photos from the farm in Ojo

remember the horrible roof that connected the 2 adobe buildings?

at sometime in it's 126 year history
someone connected them

it was a low roof that leaked and
a dark room with a dirt floor
(the last owner was trying to make it into a second bathroom...)

the 2 original adobe buildings were beautiful and had integrity
and this room was never meant to be there....

so we knocked the wall down

and tore the roof off

and it already looked better

an old friend of mine from Port Townsend
told me that sometimes you have to take something out of the landscape

then we had Leroy lay some beautiful local flagstone

this is a pattern of old ferns on the flagstone
- when the layers were being laid down
a plant got in between and we see the imprint on the stone

now we have a lovely patio

that connects the 2 buildings.....


1 comment:

  1. Love your patio! Looks like it allows a sun or shade option.
