Saturday, July 1, 2017

and so we met the alligator wrestler....

let me back up a little in the story
this is the entrance to the kids new place
5 acres, house and pond

on the other side of this road that runs for about 5 miles is
a big waterway ditch

where alligators are often spotted

when we saw an alligator in their pond
we called the alligator wrestler/trapper folks

they came right out
and gave us some good information about alligators
for one - our pond was too small for one to stay around
so we are standing there next to his truck talking and he is telling me
how he learned from his dad - wrestling gators since he was a kid
a rare skill I agreed

then he says he didn't find one in the pond but
the day was not wasted as he had 2 in the truck
I jumped back 5 feet all at once
and really looked at the truck

who knew that when you did get brave and go closer
they hissed and growled??

he said they catch them live but take them to their factory? 
(is that what you would call it....)
anyway he said then we euthanize (kill) them and
some people don't like that that is why we take them live
they use every part, the skin, the meat....
I saw alligator pasta on the menu the other day...
they get a few permits from the state to take out nuisance gators
(like what isn't a nuisance gator.....) anyway
one or 2 less gators in the neighborhood 
I told him I could live with that.....

other interesting stuff from June 2017


1 comment:

  1. Alligator is officially added to the list of things I will never eat. How does, rounding up live gators, become ones career choice?
    Happy World UFO Day!
